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Theory is an important component of a musical education. Every time a student learns to read a note, finds out the definition of an Italian term or figures out a key signature they are learning Theory.


Theory is, essentially, the grammar of music.


I teach all levels of Theory from Basic to Advanced, Harmony, and Counterpoint. I teach Theory in my flute students lessons and indeed, if they are interested in doing the RCM Flute examinations then there are theory co- requisites as you go up the grades. I also teach Music History which, together with Theory, complements a full Musical Education.


 I have private Theory students, some that other teachers have sent to me, and I will run group Theory and/or History classes including semi-private classes as needed.


Please contact me for more information, I look forward to hearing from you!

                                                                     Theory in a Nutshell - online help

I have short videos on my Theory in an Nutshell Youtube channel to help Theory students of all levels. They are based on the RCM theory syllabus and would be helpful to any theory student. I have started to add Harmony concepts videos as well.

       Theory in a Nutshell - YouTube


Theory in a Nutshell Book


I have found that parents are often at a loss to help their child with Theory. Some parents learned it as kids, but have forgotten much of it and need a refresher. Some parents have no musical background.


With that in mind, I began to work on a book that would explain basic Music Theory concepts in plain English.  I also included quite a few pages of basic Music History.  I wanted to create something that was not out there as a resource already. Most theory books are either a workbook with pages of exercises, or are academic with fancy language and expect the reader to have a working knowledge of theory already.


                                                     This book became “ Music Theory in a Nutshell”


For a donation of $12  I will send you the PDF version of the book, if you want snail mail and a "real copy"  postage will be added. Please email me if you want a copy of this book with your details before donating.

© 2016  Michelle Coon

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